Finding A Career Path Without Looking
Published on LinkedIn May 21, 2020 by David Dean Menzies The other day my wife and I were going for a walk on the beach. It had just “reopened” to the general public due to COVID-19 restrictions. There weren’t a lot of people around, nor had there been the usual crowds in quite some time. That said, the beach was littered with shells. We’d never seen so many in that particular stretch. As we walked, taking in the warm air and sunshine, we weren’t focusing on anything in particular. Just enjoying the moment. Suddenly, my wife stopped and looked down. A perfect seashell. Seashells like this one are hard to come by in our neck of the woods, primarily since there are a lot of avid shell collectors—locals as well as tourists—who are on the sand at the crack of dawn. By the time most beachgoers are roaming around, it’s slim pickings. We collect seashells; well in reality, “sea specimens” to quote Charlie Day in ”The Gang Goes to the Jersey Shore” episode of the TV series It’s...